How to Create Water Reflection Effect in Photoshop 7


Do you want to learn how to use/create a water reflection effect in Photoshop 7 version? 

Well, don't worry! you land in the right place.

Today in this post I'm going to teach you how to create a water reflection effect in photos in Adobe Photoshop 7.0 version. 

This short descriptive step-by-step tutorial with every steps screenshot instruction definitely helps you a lot about using/creating the water reflection effect in Photoshop.

So, let's start...

How to Create Water Reflection Effect in Photoshop 7

Follow all the steps mentioned below as correctly to create water reflection effects in photos in Adobe Photoshop 7.0 version.

Step 1: Open the Photoshop 7.0 version on your PC or Laptop device.

Step 2: Now open that photo, you want to add the water effect. For this go to File > Open > Select the image file you want to open [shortcut Ctrl + O].

Step 3: Duplicate the background layer. First right-click on the background layer and select the Duplicate Layer option. Then give a name to this layer and click on OK.

Step 4: Now select the duplicate layer and go to the Image option on the menu bar then > Canvas Size > Give Width 0 percent and Height 100 percent > Anchor towards downwards as shown in the screenshot. Also, give ✅ on the Relative option.

Step 5: Take a new layer and fill it with white color. After that go to the Filter menu > Sketch > Halftone Pattern > Give size and contrast value according to you, Then select Pattern Type as Line and click Ok. Now save this layer on your device [shortcut Ctrl + Shift + S ], then delete or hide this layer.

Step 6: Again go to the Filter menu and select the Distort Displace > OK (as the default value) > Select the Pattern file you save in step 5. 

That's done.

You successfully added the water reflection effect in the image.

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Adobe Photoshop is the most powerful and also most used photo editing software full of dozens of tools and features. 

In this Blog, we also regularly share posts on Photoshop Tips & Tricks in a very simplistic way.

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