100+ MS Word Shortcuts Keys List PDF Download

100+ MS Word Shortcuts Keys List PDF Download: Are you looking for MS Word keyboard shortcuts?

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Here are the most used Microsoft Office Word keyboard shortcuts with descriptions and shortcut names. In this shortcut key list ' +' symbol means you have to press those two or three keys simultaneously on the keyboard. 

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100+ MS Word Shortcuts Keys List PDF Download

Here are the most important MS Word keyboard shortcuts you have to know them. The PDF file download link is given below.

Shortcut KeysTool NameDescription
Ctrl + NNew documentCreate a new document.
Ctrl + O or Ctrl + F12OpenOpens an existing document.
Ctrl + S or Shift + F12SaveSaves the active document.
F12Save asOpens a save as dialog box.
Ctrl + ASelectSelects all contents of the Page.
Ctrl + P or Ctrl + Shift + F12PrintPrints the active documents.
Ctrl + F2Print PreviewTo show a preview of the page as printed.
F7SpellingCheck the spelling of the active document page.
Ctrl + XCutCuts the selected text or illustrations (i.e shapes, SmartArt & Chart) and puts it on the clipboard.
Ctrl + CCopyCopies the selected Text or illustrations and puts them on the clipboard.
Ctrl + V or Shift + InsertPasteInserts the clipboard contents at the insertion point.
Ctrl + ZUndoReverses certain commands.
Ctrl + YRedoReverses the action of the undo button.
Ctrl + Shift + CFormat PrinterCopies the formatting of the selected text to a specified location.
F1HelpProvides help for working on Microsoft Office Word.
Ctrl + FFindOpens the Find and Replace dialog box with the Find tab.
Ctrl + KInsertInsert link.
Ctrl + Del. or Ctrl + BackspaceDeleteDeletes word to the right of the cursor and for Ctrl + Backspace deletes word to the left of the cursor.
Alt + Shift + D or Alt + Shift + TInsertInsert the current date and for Alt + Shift + T Insert the current time.
Ctrl + Shift + FFontChanges the font size of the selected text.
Ctrl + Shift + SStyleApplies a style or records a style
Ctrl + Shift + PFont SizeChanges the font size of the selected text.
Ctrl + BBoldMakes the selected text Bold.
Ctrl + I ItalicMakes the selected text Italic.
Ctrl + UUnderlineMakes the selected text underlined.
Ctrl + LAligned LeftAligns the paragraph at the left indent.
Ctrl + ECenterCenter the paragraph between the indents.
Ctrl + RAlign RightAligns the paragraph at the right indent.
Ctrl + 5Line SpaceTo increase the line spacing.
Ctrl + JJustifyAligns the paragraph at both rights and left indents.

Download a PDF file of the Microsoft Office Word keyboard shortcut list link given below.

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