Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing him a Prize Giving Day at Your School

Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing him a Prize Giving Day at Your School. Well, If you want to learn to write a letter on that topic simply follow this tutorial post. Today in this blog post I'm going to share a sample letter on the requested topic that would surely help you.


Question: Write a Letter to Your Friend Describing him a Prize Giving Day at Your School


Date - xx/xx/xx
My Dear Friend

At the very beginning, I hope you are in good health and spirit. After a few days back I received a letter from you asking me to tell you about a prize-giving day at our school. So, now I am going to reply the same as possible I can.

The prize-giving ceremony of our school was held on Saturday, December 3rd, 2021. Mr. Anil Das the cultural secretary of our school took care that the function was a success. Many attractive items were selected for the function like Bhajan, Jikir, Modern Song, Bihu Dance, etc.

The school inspector was invited as the chief guest of the ceremony. The venue of the meeting was the school auditorium.

On the appointed day, we come to school at 9'o clock morning. We decorated the stage nicely. All we stood in rows at the gate with our teachers to receive the inspector. Our headmaster himself presided over the meeting. The annual report was read out by the cultural secretary.

The inspector delivered a good speech and described the value of games and sports. After his speech, the cultural secretary read out the names of prize-winning students. The president handed over the prizes to them. At last, the president delivered a good lecture and ended the meeting.

At last best regard your parents and convey love to your younger sister. No more today.

Your Loving Friend

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